The Use of Behavioral Dice in Improving The Moral Behavior Of Children in Group B Aisyiyah Amanah Lutang Kindergarten, Majene Regency


  • St. Ulfah Universitas Terbuka


Children are state treasures and are a significant investment for the future. Education is one of the essential things to be given from an early age to prepare for the good quality of human resources. If, at this time, children receive less attention in education, especially in terms of moral education, then children will not know and distinguish which behavior is wrong and which is correct, which will be embedded into adulthood. Instilling moral values in children is a formidable challenge. Therefore, it must be cultivated early because otherwise, children's moral behavior will not develop. The behavior formation program in Kindergarten's teaching and learning process with the principle of playing while learning is implemented by kindergarten teachers. One example of learning that can use card media is the development of polite behavior.


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How to Cite

Ulfah, S. (2023). The Use of Behavioral Dice in Improving The Moral Behavior Of Children in Group B Aisyiyah Amanah Lutang Kindergarten, Majene Regency. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education, 5(1), 29–34. Retrieved from



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