Article Processing Charge
Since July 2024, this journal has charged the following author fees.
Article Publishing Charges (APCs): 1.000.000,- (IDR) (for Indonesian authors) & $ 75 (for International authors).
Accepted manuscripts WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED until payment has been received. The author may send through Direct Deposit from any bank to our bank account with the following details:
This is the name and bank account to transfer the fee:
Bank Account Number: 1173-01-000-543-30-3
Bank Name: BANK BRI
(8 characters) BRINIDJA (Only for Foreign payment transfers)
*Please email your copy of the publication fee deposit slip to:
Waiver Policy
We encourage our authors to publish their papers with us and don’t wish the cost of publication processing fees to be an insurmountable barrier. Authors don't need to pay for Article Publication, but The International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education reserves the right to approve or reject any waiver application. Waiver's decision will be communicated to the corresponding author within two weeks after the request is received.