The Facebook and Digital References Integration for Child Development Psychology (CDP) Online Tutorial Model


  • Dr. Mukti Amini Univertias Terbuka



Facebook, digital references, online tutorial


Smartphones in Indonesia are very close to the people now. Indonesia was ranked 4th in the world in the use of handphones. One of the application developments that are available now on mobile phones is Facebook. Therefore, Facebook can be easily accessed from a smartphone, and many students who already have a Facebook account can access it through a smartphone. The ease of access to Facebook through smartphones is exciting to implement in education and learning, including learning courses through online tutorials. Child Development Psychology (CDP) is one of the courses that provides online tutorial support services for students. Meanwhile, the number of digital references for learning courses, which can be accessed free of charge, can also be used for online tutorial material. Through linked digital references, participants will be interested in learning the online tutorial, which is also used to search for the appropriate digital references. This study aims to evaluate the use of Facebook and digital references for CDP online tutorials. The method used is descriptive. The tools used for collecting data were a questionnaire for students, document analysis, and interviews. The data has been collected and analyzed descriptively. The study concluded that this model has yet to improve students' participation in CDP online tutorials. However, it effectively creates more intimate communication through the Facebook group. The study also concluded that the overall student experiences the many benefits of the CDP online tutorials model.


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How to Cite

Amini, D. M. (2024). The Facebook and Digital References Integration for Child Development Psychology (CDP) Online Tutorial Model. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education, 5(2), 1–9.



Research Articles