The Use of Portfolio Documentation as an Assessment of Children's Holistic Development


  • Anita Nafadhila Anita Nafadhila
  • Nenny Mahyuddin
  • Mutia Aulia
  • Rahma Syovianti



This research aims to describe how portfolio documentation is used to assess children's holistic development at PAUD Laut Biru. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation and documentation. The implication of the portfolio documentation assessment at PAUD Laut Biru is that it can provide an overview of children's holistic development as well as a note to find out the weaknesses and strengths of the portfolio documentation assessment and be able to design assessment strategies for children’s holistic development.


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How to Cite

Nafadhila, A., Nenny Mahyuddin, Mutia Aulia, & Rahma Syovianti. (2024). The Use of Portfolio Documentation as an Assessment of Children’s Holistic Development. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education, 5(2).



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