Development and Validation of Comic-based Learning Module in Physics


  • Jeah May O. Badeo De La Salle University
  • Dr. Bee Ching U. Ong Kian Koc De La Salle University



ADDIE Model, Comic-based learning module, development and validation, instructional material


Providing instructional materials that support the diverse learning styles and needs of 21st-century learners is becoming a trend in today's online learning. Thus, this descriptive developmental research design aimed to develop Comic-based Learning Modules (CLM) as instructional material envisioned to meet these learners' needs for a better understanding of Physics concepts. This study employed the ADDIE model for the instructional material development design. The initial developed CLM was revalidated following the comments and suggestions of the validators before distribution for online learning. Four experts validated the CLM in terms of content/lessons, illustrations, additional features, language, layout, and overall presentation using a researcher-made criterion-based reference evaluation tool. The validators rated the developed instructional material featuring three CLM as "Highly Acceptable" (4.66). The value of the average inter-rater reliability coefficient kappa of the ratings of the validators is interpreted as "Substantial Agreement" (0.63). CLM was then implemented as instructional material and found to have high usability as rated by the students. Also, the CLM drew positive feedback for online learning use because of its exciting nature and uniqueness.


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