Peer Review Process
The suitability of manuscripts for publication in International Journal of Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary School Education (IJTAESE) is judged by peer reviewers and the editorial board. All the review processes are conducted in a double-blind review by 2 (two) reviewers where both authors and reviewers' identities remain anonymous. Editor in Chief and Editorial board arrange editorial meetings together to make the final decision as to whether the paper is recommended for acceptance or rejection for each edition.
Editor in Chief and Editorial Board will evaluate the submitted papers on the prequalification step for the suitability of further review process. The manuscripts will be evaluated by qualified peer reviewers selected by the Editor in Chief and editorial board. The peer reviewers should examine the manuscript and return it with their recommendation to the journal as soon as possible, usually within 3-4 weeks.
Papers needing revision will be returned to the authors, and the author must return the revised manuscript to the via OJS of Advanced Qualitative Research. The editor in Chief sends the revised manuscript to the Editorial Board to check whether the manuscript is revised as suggested by peer reviewers. Editorial Board could give a recommendation to the Editor in Chief that the manuscript should return to authors, accept, or reject within at least 3-4 weeks. They can also arrange editorial meetings to discuss accepted, rejected or potential manuscripts in each edition. Editor in Chief would send an acceptance letter (LoA) announcing the publication issue attached with manuscript reprint to authors before publication.
After the LoA release by the decision of the editorial meeting, the manuscript will go to the language editor to check the readability and grammar. After the language editing process, the journal manager will prepare for layout and publish as well the publication schedule in Open Journal System (OJS).